Sustainability at ConceptsIn3D

At ConceptsIn3D, we are committed to sustainability and responsible design practices. We understand the importance of creating a better future for our planet and believe that every step towards sustainability counts. Here's how we integrate sustainability into our 3D rendering services

Green Rendering Practices

We employ eco-friendly rendering techniques that minimise energy consumption and environmental impact. Our render farms utilise energy-efficient hardware to reduce carbon emissions and equipment is never left on standby when not in use.

Solar-Powered 3D Rendering

We acknowledge computer based rendering can consume high levels of power and utilising sustainable energy sources where possible is a must. Therefore by mid 2024 our systems will be fed fully by solar power.By going solar, we're not just saving on energy costs; we're also taking a significant step towards a sustainable future for the industry and the planet.

Heat Recovery

It seems a shame to waste the heat that computing generates, therefore we use heat recovery techniques to warm our building and also feed plants that require a warmer climate to thrive. Fruits and chillis that we grow are passed onto the local community.

Paperless Workflow

We prioritise a paperless workflow, reducing the use of physical documents and printed materials. Our digital collaboration tools and cloud-based project management systems promote efficiency and sustainability.